Last updated on 03/04/2024
Audio layers are used to play background audio in a scene and are not visible on the Canvas. The audio will start playing when the user reaches the scene, and users can pause the audio if needed.
Audio Layers are particularly useful for annotating a scene, such as explaining a complex element like an analytical chart or highlighting important details like disclaimers that you want to draw the user's attention to.
Add, Delete, Edit Audio Layer:
Selector: To add a Audio Layer, click the Sound icon located on the right edge of the Canvas.
It will open the Audio Layer Selector on the left-hand side of your screen
The Audio Layer Selector will include at the top Add and Delete buttons.
Addition: To add an Audio Layer, you must have an audio file uploaded.
If you don't have an audio file, click on Upload Audio to upload a new file
If you have already uploaded an Audio file, just select the one you want by clicking on it.
Deletion: To delete a Audio Layer, simply click on the Delete Audio tab in the Audio Layer Selector.
Style: Audio Layers do not have any styling.
Adding both audio and video layers to the same scene can create conflicts. The audio layer will be given lower priority and will be muted.
If you add an audio layer to a scene that already has a video, the video will take precedence, and the audio will not play.