
Last updated on 03/04/2024


Text layers can serve multiple functions. They can be used to ask questions in surveys, prompt users to take actions, display disclaimers, can be used to ask questions, display disclaimers, emphasize key points and more. However, when actions such as Submit, Select, Download are added, they become interactive and significantly more impactful.

  1. Addition: To add a Text Layer to your Canvas,

    • Click the Texts button located at the top of the canvas.

    • This will open the Text Layer Selector on the left-hand side of your screen that includes three text layer options.

    • You can choose from three types of text layers: Heading, Subheading, and Body Text. These options primarily differ in font size.

  2. Deletion: To delete a text layer, right-click on it and select Delete. Or you can simply hit the Delete key. You can Undo the deletion as long as you stay on the same scene.

  3. Content: Once you've selected your desired text layer, it will be added to the Canvas. The default placeholder text Add a heading will appear. You can replace this text by simply typing your desired content directly into the text layer on the Canvas.

  4. Structure: Each text layer consists of two parts:

    • Text box: A box that surrounds the text content that can be bordered and colored.

    • Content: Text within the box that can be changed by entering the desired content

  5. Style: When you click a text layer on canvas—or any layer, for that matter—the left-hand side of the screen will open the text Style Editor and display various styling options specific to that layer type.