
Last updated on 03/04/2024

Form layer

Form layers are one of the many ways to incorporate Asks into a story, making not only an engaging media format but also a tool for driving conversions. We've made it incredibly easy to add and create visually compelling Asks using Form Layers.

Add, Edit, Delete Form Layers:

  1. Addition: To add a Form Layer to your canvas, click the Forms button located at the top of the Canvas.

    • This will open the Forms Layer Selector on the left-hand side of your screen.

    • Click on a type you want and it will appear on the Canvas.

  2. Types: There are 5 types of form layers:

    • Input Field

    • Text Area

    • Radio Buttons

    • Checkboxes

    • Dropdowns.

  3. Deletion: To delete a Form Layer, right-click on it and select Delete. You can Undo the deletion as long as you stay on the same scene.

  4. Style: When you click on a Form Layer —or any layer, for that matter—the left-hand side of the screen will display the Form Style Editor with various styling options.


A scene containing Form Layers must include a layer with a Submit Action. This is the only way to save visitor data into's database and be available in Monitor. Additionally, you don't need to mark all input fields as required—only those that are essential for your needs