Last updated on 03/04/2024
Media layers
Videos and images are high-density media formats, that can convey a large amount of information quickly. You can enhance images by making them interactive through the addition of Actions
Add, Edit, Delete Media Layers:
Media Selector: To add a Media Layer to your canvas, click the Media button located at the top of the Canvas. This will open the Media Layer Selector on the left-hand side of your screen.
Media Types: There are 3 types of media:
Documents. A document is used in conjunction with a Download Action.
Upload: Upload media by clicking on the Upload button or simply drag one or media files to Media Layer Selector.
Additions: Click on the Video or Image you want to add to the Scene and it will appear on the Canvas.
Deletion: To delete a Media Layer, right-click on it and select Delete" You can Undo the deletion as long as you stay on the same scene.
Style: When you click on a media layer—or any layer, for that matter—the left-hand side of the screen will display the media Style Editor with various styling options.
You cannot add more than one video to a scene. If you attempt to do so, will prompt you to confirm whether you want to replace the current video with the new one. Additionally, if you add an audio layer to a scene that already has a video, the video will take precedence, and the audio will not play. Finally, please note that media uploaded for one campaign can be used by other campaigns within your account.