Last updated on 03/04/2024
If you need users to select from a long list of options (e.g., US States), Dropdowns can be particularly useful. Here’s how to add and configure them:
Add, Delete, Configure Dropdown
Addition: To add a Dropdown to your Canvas, click the Forms button located at the top of the canvas.
This will open the Forms Layer Selector on the left-hand side of your screen.
Select the Dropdown option, and it will appear on the Canvas.
Configuration: When you click on the Dropdown, the Dropdown Configurator will open on the right-hand side of your screen. Here are the fields you need to configure:
is Required: Specify whether selecting an option from the dropdown is mandatory.
Error message: Add a message that will be displayed if the user does not select an option and "Is Required" is checked.
Name: Assign a name to the dropdown to identify it in your form. .
Placeholder: Enter placeholder text that will appear in the dropdown before the user makes a selection.
Default option: Set a default option that will be selected when the dropdown first appears.
Options setup: You can choose to create a customized list or use a standard option list
Customized list: Add a display name and value for each option in the dropdown list.
Standard list: Select from pre-made lists of US States or World Countries. You also have the option to prune these lists to include only the states or countries you want to target.