
Last updated on 03/04/2024

Republish campaigns

You have the option to modify and republish a published campaign. However, it's important to be aware that certain changes may impact the data displayed in Monitor. To prevent data issues, it is recommended to clone the campaign, apply the necessary updates, and then replace the current campaign with the cloned version. If cloning isn't feasible, be sure to download the historical data first.

Republish only if necessary's analytics engine continuously captures every user interaction with your campaign story. The data collected and shown in Monitor depends on the structure and content of the story, including:

  1. Scene in the story: The number and configuration of scenes (e.g., those set to track conversions) will influence the data collected and how it's displayed in Monitor.

  2. Layers with actions: The interactivity of scenes, made possible by actions attached to layers, is captured by’s analytics engine and shown graphically in Monitor.

Changes that have impact

  1. Changing value of selects: Deletes all prior data collected for that option.

  2. Delete select action: Deletes all prior data collected for that option.

  3. Deleting a scene: Affects scene engagement and may impact conversions, responses, and contacts.

  4. Change form field: Deletes all prior data collected for that form field.

  5. Delete form field: Deletes all prior data collected for that form field.

Changes that will not have impact

  1. Adding a new scene: Previously collected data will not be impacted.

  2. Add new select actions: Previously collected data will not be impacted.

  3. Add new form layer: Previously collected data will not be impacted.

  4. Changing titles: If you change the question or document or video title it will not impact any of the data. But previous chart titles will be replaced with new ones.

  5. Styling layers: Has no impact on past data that has been collected or shown

  6. Adding layers: Layers without action will have no impact on past data.