Personalizing with filters - step 2

Last updated on 03/04/2024

Personalizing with filters - step 2


  1. Create labels: Start by establishing Scene Labels for your campaign. For instance, if you're selling shoes, labels might include running, tennis, basketball, and golf shoes.

  2. Get user preferences: Design a Scene where you use Select Actions to ask users about their shoe preferences. For instance, you could ask, “Which type of shoes are you interested in?” Ensure the options match the labels you’ve created (e.g., running shoes, tennis shoes).

  3. Label subsequent scenes: Apply these labels to scenes that feature content relevant to each label. For example, scenes showcasing running shoes should be labeled “running shoes,” while scenes about tennis shoes should be labeled “tennis shoes.” Not every scene needs a label.

  4. Use filter branch: In the Scene where you gather user preferences, set up a Filter Branch. For each preference option (e.g., running shoes, tennis shoes), configure the branch to direct users to scenes with the corresponding label that matches their choice.

Step 2: Get User Preferences

After creating your labels and added them to scenes, the next step is to create a scene to get user preferences.

  1. Select a scene: Select a Scene that will be used to ask for user preferences. This scene should be placed early in your story.

  2. Design the question: Use Text Layers to craft the question and answer choices you’ll present to users for selection.

  3. Add select action: Attach Select Actions to each of the answer choices.


The name of the value for a Select Action used to collect user preferences can be customized as desired. However, it’s best practice to make the values match the labels you’ve created. This simplifies mapping user responses to labels and scenes. Additionally, ensure that the Select Action is of Single Choice type and marked as Required.