Creating, cloning, deleting scenes

Last updated on 03/04/2024

Creating, cloning, deleting scenes simplifies the process of adding, deleting, and cloning scenes. Cloning is particularly useful for reusing an existing scene and creating a new one by making modifications to the original.

Add, Clone, Delete Scenes

  1. Navigate to compose: Click on Compose in the top menu of the Campaign Builder.

  2. Add scene: Click on Add Scene button on the left hand side of the Canvas to create a new blank scene.

  3. Delete scene: Click on Delete Scene button on the left hand side of the Canvas. You will be prompted to confirm the deletion before the scene is removed.

  4. Clone scene: Click on Clone Scene button on the left hand side of the Canvasto generate an exact replica of the original scene.


Once a scene is deleted, it cannot be recovered. You will be prompted to confirm your intention to delete the scene, which is your final opportunity to reconsider. Ensure that you really want to delete the scene before confirming.


When new scenes are created, they are automatically assigned a unique name. You can change the default names using the Scene Configurator. It’s recommended to rename scenes with meaningful titles, as these names are used when setting up Branch Actions and Scene Branching. ensures that all scene names are unique.