Duplicating, copying, deleting layers

Last updated on 03/04/2024

Duplicating, copying and deleting layers

You can duplicate, copy and delete layers within your story. Here is the difference between the duplicate and copy:

Steps to Delete, Duplicate, Copy Layers

  1. Navigate to Compose: Click on Compose in the top menu of the Campaign Builder.

  2. Delete Layer: Right click on the layer you want to delete and select Delete. You can always the deletion by clicking on Undo button as long as you have not moved to another scene.

  3. Duplicate Scene: Right click on the layer you want to duplicate and select Duplicate to create an exact replica of the selected layer.

  4. Copy Layer: Right click on the layer you want to duplicate and select Copy. A Paste Layer button will appear on the right hand side of the Canvas.


When you copy or duplicate a layer, the actions attached to the layer will also be duplicated. This may not always align with your intentions, so you might need to adjust the Action Configuration of the copied or duplicated layer. For certain types of Actions (e.g., Select Actions), Visuel.ly will automatically correct errors in the Action Configurations.


"Copy" and "Duplicate" have distinct functions. "Duplicate" creates an exact replica of the layer within the same scene, while "Copy" enables you to replicate the layer across different scenes.