
Last updated on 03/04/2024


Navigate to Dashboard

Campaigns are created through the Campaign Dashboard, which can be accessed in two ways:

  1. Login: When you log in, you'll be directed straight to the dashboard.

  2. Campaigns link: If you're already within another campaign click on the Campaigns link in the top right-hand menu bar.

Create Campaign

The Campaign Dashboard contains two main menu buttons: Create and Review.

  1. Click on create button: By default, the Campaign Dashboard opens with the Review menu. Click on Create to begin creating your campaign.

  2. Enter a campaign name: You can input any alphanumeric string, and it can be updated later if needed.

  3. Select the domain of the website: If you have multiple websites configured in your account, a list of domain names will be displayed. Choose the domain (website) where the campaign will be published.

  4. Click create button: You will be directed to the Campaign Builder to start building your campaign. That's it!