Archive & unarchive

Last updated on 03/04/2024

Archive & Unarchive

Campaigns can be archived if you're not ready to delete them permanently. Unlike deleted campaigns, archived campaigns can be recovered later, making archiving a safer option if you're unsure about permanently removing a campaign.

Archive a Campaign

  1. Navigate to the Campaigns Dashboard: Click on the Campaigns link in the top right-hand menu bar

  2. Find the Archive Option: Find the campaign you want to archive and click the gear icon next to it. You will see the Archive option.

  3. Select the Archive option: The campaign will be archived and will no longer appear in the campaigns dashboard.

Unarchive a Campaign

  1. View Archived Campaigns: In the Campaigns Dashboard, check the Show archived campaigns box at the top. Archived campaigns will reappear in the dashboard and will be marked as Archived.

  2. Unarchive the Campaign: Click the gear icon next to the campaign you want to unarchive and select Unarchive.

That’s it! The unarchived campaign is now available for editing and publishing.